Building Vue components that handle multiple variations while maintaining type safety can be tricky. Let’s dive into the Variant Props Pattern (VPP) - a powerful approach that uses TypeScript’s discriminated unions with Vue’s composition API to create truly type-safe component variants.
The Variant Props Pattern in Vue combines TypeScript’s discriminated unions with Vue’s prop system to create type-safe component variants. Instead of using complex type utilities, we explicitly mark incompatible props as never to prevent prop mixing at compile time:
// Define base props
type type BaseProps = {
title: string;
BaseProps = {
title: string
title: string;
// Success variant prevents error props
type type SuccessProps = BaseProps & {
variant: "success";
message: string;
errorCode?: never;
SuccessProps = type BaseProps = {
title: string;
BaseProps & {
variant: "success"
variant: 'success';
message: string
message: string;
errorCode?: undefined
errorCode?: never; // Prevents mixing
// Error variant prevents success props
type type ErrorProps = BaseProps & {
variant: "error";
errorCode: string;
message?: never;
ErrorProps = type BaseProps = {
title: string;
BaseProps & {
variant: "error"
variant: 'error';
errorCode: string
errorCode: string;
message?: undefined
message?: never; // Prevents mixing
type type Props = SuccessProps | ErrorProps
Props = type SuccessProps = BaseProps & {
variant: "success";
message: string;
errorCode?: never;
SuccessProps | type ErrorProps = BaseProps & {
variant: "error";
errorCode: string;
message?: never;
This pattern provides compile-time safety, excellent IDE support, and reliable vue-tsc compatibility. Perfect for components that need multiple, mutually exclusive prop combinations.
The Problem: Mixed Props Nightmare
Picture this: You’re building a notification component that needs to handle both success and error states. Each state has its own specific properties:
- Success notifications need a
- Error notifications need an
and aretryable
Without proper type safety, developers might accidentally mix these props:
<!-- This should fail! -->
title="Data Saved"
errorCode="UPLOAD_001" <!-- 🚨 Mixing success and error props -->
The Simple Solution That Doesn’t Work
Your first instinct might be to define separate interfaces:
interface SuccessProps {
SuccessProps.title: string
title: string;
SuccessProps.variant: "primary" | "secondary"
variant: 'primary' | 'secondary';
SuccessProps.message: string
message: string;
SuccessProps.duration: number
duration: number;
interface ErrorProps {
ErrorProps.title: string
title: string;
ErrorProps.variant: "danger" | "warning"
variant: 'danger' | 'warning';
ErrorProps.errorCode: string
errorCode: string;
ErrorProps.retryable: boolean
retryable: boolean;
// 🚨 This allows mixing both types!
type type Props = never
Props = SuccessProps & ErrorProps;
The problem? This approach allows developers to use both success and error props simultaneously - definitely not what we want!
Using Discriminated Unions with never
TypeScript Tip: The
type is a special type in TypeScript that represents values that never occur. When a property is marked asnever
, TypeScript ensures that value can never be assigned to that property. This makes it perfect for creating mutually exclusive props, as it prevents developers from accidentally using props that shouldn’t exist together.The
type commonly appears in TypeScript in several scenarios:
- Functions that never return (throw errors or have infinite loops)
- Exhaustive type checking in switch statements
- Impossible type intersections (e.g.,
string & number
)- Making properties mutually exclusive, as we do in this pattern
The main trick to make it work with the current implmenation of defineProps is to use never
to explicitly mark unused variant props.
// Base props shared between variants
type type BaseProps = {
title: string;
BaseProps = {
title: string
title: string;
// Success variant
type type SuccessProps = BaseProps & {
variant: "primary" | "secondary";
message: string;
duration: number;
errorCode?: never;
retryable?: never;
SuccessProps = type BaseProps = {
title: string;
BaseProps & {
variant: "primary" | "secondary"
variant: 'primary' | 'secondary';
message: string
message: string;
duration: number
duration: number;
// Explicitly mark error props as never
errorCode?: undefined
errorCode?: never;
retryable?: undefined
retryable?: never;
// Error variant
type type ErrorProps = BaseProps & {
variant: "danger" | "warning";
errorCode: string;
retryable: boolean;
message?: never;
duration?: never;
ErrorProps = type BaseProps = {
title: string;
BaseProps & {
variant: "danger" | "warning"
variant: 'danger' | 'warning';
errorCode: string
errorCode: string;
retryable: boolean
retryable: boolean;
// Explicitly mark success props as never
message?: undefined
message?: never;
duration?: undefined
duration?: never;
// Final props type - only one variant allowed!
type type Props = SuccessProps | ErrorProps
Props = type SuccessProps = BaseProps & {
variant: "primary" | "secondary";
message: string;
duration: number;
errorCode?: never;
retryable?: never;
SuccessProps | type ErrorProps = BaseProps & {
variant: "danger" | "warning";
errorCode: string;
retryable: boolean;
message?: never;
duration?: never;
Important Note About Vue Components
When implementing this pattern, you’ll need to make your component generic due to a current type restriction in defineComponent
By making the component generic, we can bypass defineComponent
and define the component as a functional component:
<script setup lang="ts" generic="function (type parameter) T in <T>(__VLS_props: NonNullable<Awaited<typeof __VLS_setup>>["props"], __VLS_ctx?: __VLS_PrettifyLocal<Pick<NonNullable<Awaited<typeof __VLS_setup>>, "attrs" | "emit" | "slots">>, __VLS_expose?: NonNullable<Awaited<typeof __VLS_setup>>["expose"], __VLS_setup?: Promise<...>): import("vue").VNode & {
__ctx?: Awaited<typeof __VLS_setup>;
// Now our discriminated union props will work correctly
type type BaseProps = {
title: string;
BaseProps = {
title: string
title: string;
type type SuccessProps = BaseProps & {
variant: "primary" | "secondary";
message: string;
duration: number;
errorCode?: never;
retryable?: never;
SuccessProps = type BaseProps = {
title: string;
BaseProps & {
variant: "primary" | "secondary"
variant: 'primary' | 'secondary';
message: string
message: string;
duration: number
duration: number;
errorCode?: undefined
errorCode?: never;
retryable?: undefined
retryable?: never;
// ... rest of the types
This approach allows TypeScript to properly enforce our prop variants at compile time.
Putting It All Together
Here’s our complete notification component using the Variant Props Pattern:
The Variant Props Pattern (VPP) provides a robust approach for building type-safe Vue components. While the Vue team is working on improving native support for discriminated unions in vuejs/core#8952, this pattern offers a practical solution today:
Unfortunately, what currently is not working is using helper utility types like Xor so that we don’t have to manually mark unused variant props as never. When you do that, you will get an error from vue-tsc.
Example of a helper type like Xor:
type type Without<T, U> = { [P in Exclude<keyof T, keyof U>]?: undefined; }
Without<function (type parameter) T in type Without<T, U>
T, function (type parameter) U in type Without<T, U>
U> = { [function (type parameter) P
P in type Exclude<T, U> = T extends U ? never : T
Exclude from T those types that are assignable to UExclude<keyof function (type parameter) T in type Without<T, U>
T, keyof function (type parameter) U in type Without<T, U>
U>]?: never };
type type XOR<T, U> = T | U extends object ? (Without<T, U> & U) | (Without<U, T> & T) : T | U
XOR<function (type parameter) T in type XOR<T, U>
T, function (type parameter) U in type XOR<T, U>
U> = function (type parameter) T in type XOR<T, U>
T | function (type parameter) U in type XOR<T, U>
U extends object
? (type Without<T, U> = { [P in Exclude<keyof T, keyof U>]?: undefined; }
Without<function (type parameter) T in type XOR<T, U>
T, function (type parameter) U in type XOR<T, U>
U> & function (type parameter) U in type XOR<T, U>
U) | (type Without<T, U> = { [P in Exclude<keyof T, keyof U>]?: undefined; }
Without<function (type parameter) U in type XOR<T, U>
U, function (type parameter) T in type XOR<T, U>
T> & function (type parameter) T in type XOR<T, U>
: function (type parameter) T in type XOR<T, U>
T | function (type parameter) U in type XOR<T, U>
// Success notification properties
type type SuccessProps = {
title: string;
variant: "primary" | "secondary";
message: string;
duration: number;
SuccessProps = {
title: string
title: string;
variant: "primary" | "secondary"
variant: 'primary' | 'secondary';
message: string
message: string;
duration: number
duration: number;
// Error notification properties
type type ErrorProps = {
title: string;
variant: "danger" | "warning";
errorCode: string;
retryable: boolean;
ErrorProps = {
title: string
title: string;
variant: "danger" | "warning"
variant: 'danger' | 'warning';
errorCode: string
errorCode: string;
retryable: boolean
retryable: boolean;
// Final props type - only one variant allowed! ✨
type type Props = (Without<SuccessProps, ErrorProps> & ErrorProps) | (Without<ErrorProps, SuccessProps> & SuccessProps)
Props = type XOR<T, U> = T | U extends object ? (Without<T, U> & U) | (Without<U, T> & T) : T | U
XOR<type SuccessProps = {
title: string;
variant: "primary" | "secondary";
message: string;
duration: number;
SuccessProps, type ErrorProps = {
title: string;
variant: "danger" | "warning";
errorCode: string;
retryable: boolean;
Video Reference
If you also prefer to learn this in video format, check out this tutorial: